Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Activities of SDD

Sanatana Dharma for the Deaf (SDD) under the guidance of Shri Anantadev Das Prabhu strives for the cultural, educational, social and spiritual revolution for the deaf not only in Bharat (India) but also all over the world.

The main activities of SDD are as follows:

1. SDD gives the deaf opportunities to cultivate their healthy and non-sectarian faith in Lord Krishna and Bhagavad-Gita.
2. SDD contributes to the improvement of their written language.
3. SDD organizes food distribution programme.
4. SDD organizes cultural programmes in Mumbai and Bangalore.
5. SDD holds Bhagavad-Gita and Proverbs programmes regularly in Mumbai, Bangalore and other parts of India.
6. SDD educates the deaf to give up smoking and drinking and to appreciate the importance of vegetarianism.
7. SDD strive for the development of sign language in India.
8. SDD gives the deaf opportunities to improve their relationship with the hearing community.
9. SDD emails spiritual messages regularly to its members all over the world.

11. SDD guides foreigners (especially the deaf and hearing interpreters) to learn about spiritual values and tour the ancient and spiritual places in India.
10. Other activities

For further information, please contact Shri Anantadev Das ( email: sdd108@rediffmail.com ) ( SMS Cell: +919845457727)

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